Sunday, June 1, 2014

It's been a while..

Behind the smile
Is a hollow and empty heart
Lamenting day ‘til night
Full of pain and wrath

Behind the laugh
Is a weeping soul
Feeling weary and abandoned
Caught in this raging world

Behind the beauty
Is a fatal curse
Flaunting inevitably
Darkly spreading like cult

Behind the wealth
Is an awful nightmare of death
Intimidated by infinite conflicts
Destroying intimate relationships

Behind the power
Is a perpetual craving
Stealing others bliss
To fulfill own selfish wish

Behind the fame
Is an endless scripted game
Made up of tales and lies
Untangled by the real game of life

Notes. (1) i think i'm super irrationally emotional when i wrote this. (2) i borrowed the picture from Google image :)

Moving on..

when trying to move on..

First date..

going on a first date..